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Book/Movie Club Pitch: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer


Introducing the LitCin Book/Movie Club (new name coming, we promise...)! Listen in as we explain what we're doing and pitch our February book/movie combo:

  • Book: "Annihilation" by Jeff VanderMeer
  • Film: "Annihilation" directed by Alex Garland, starring Natalie Portman

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Opening and Closing theme by Aesop Rock


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Most Anticipated of 2018


Oscar Nominations are out, and thus we're compelled to deliver hot takes. ALSO, we dig into our most anticipated films of 2018 and the books we're most excited for. HAPPY NEW YEAR, PEOPLE! *wait...what? it's already late January? WHO MESSED THIS UP?!

Show Notes

  • Michael mentioned a magical article that will help us all want to see Shape of Water

If you'd like to support Literate Cinephiles, support us on Patreon and subscribe to the feed on Apple Podcasts!

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Opening and Closing theme by Aesop Rock


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Top 10 Films of 2017 + The Globes


Per tradition, the Literate Cinephiles list out their individual Top 10 Films of 2017! Also, we talk Golden Globes, #timesup, and Kyle brings the surprises.

Show Notes

If you'd like to support Literate Cinephiles, support us on Patreon and subscribe to the feed on Apple Podcasts!

Facebook | Instagram (@literatecinephiles) | Twitter (@litcinephiles) |

Opening and Closing theme by Aesop Rock


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